Company Data

Company Profile Data

Understand everything about a company faster than ever before, with exhaustive profile, executive, and earnings data all available through Barchart OnDemand

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What Do You Get With a Company Profile API?

Subscribers to Barchart's company profile data get access to all of the information that matters on publicly traded companies. Whether you want to understand a company's key executives are, get an instant overview of past earnings, or see ratios on financial performance, our APIs make it easy.

Coverage of thousands of companies

Business summaries and key executives

Industry, Sector, and Sub-Industry information

Index membership

Previous earnings information

Key financial metrics (e.g. P/E Ratio, EPS Growth)

Who Uses Company Profile Information?

Portfolio Managers

Build models that use our reliable profile data to quickly screen for companies matching your investment criteria


Create compelling visualizations that engage your users and allow them to dig deeper into their portfolios than ever before

Investor Relations

Your company needs to display information to attract potential investors. Integrate our broad data into your IR site today

See how Barchart can help you

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