Barchart Digital

News Services

Get the worldwide news and headlines you need delivered into your applications from 100+ sources through Barchart’s powerful News APIs.

News APIs for Current and Historical News
Global Content

Global Content

Access breaking news, press releases, and tickerized content from around the globe.

Tech That Works

Tech That Works

News is delivered through powerful APIs that deliver a reliable and scalable cloud solution.

Built for Markets

Built for Markets

Connects with Barchart's data feeds, charting, and alert services through advanced ticker mapping.


Extensive Coverage

Access news from 100+ reliable sources with coverage of 50+ countries, and dozens of global markets.

News Service Resources

Access Headlines from 100+ News Sources Worldwide
Get the news you need delivered directly into your app, website, or software with a Barchart data feed.
  • Real-Time News
  • Historical News
  • 100+ Sources
  • 50+ Countries
  • 47+ Languages
BBC News
Financial Times
Markets Insider
Fox Business
Der Spiegel
Business Insider
The Globe and Mail
Investor's Business Daily
The Economist
Tech Crunch
Brave New Coin
Seeking Alpha
El Economista
Leading organizations trust Barchart to deliver news services
The Globe and Mail
Money Map Press
News APIs Search and Filter Features
Advanced search and filter features allow you to easily find the exact content that fits your application requirement.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I use Barchart's News Services?

Barchart's News services work with our data feeds to deliver a consistent and superior user experience - all the time. Advanced ticker normalization provides value for our users that is difficult to find elsewhere. Barchart’s News Services leverage our deep markets expertise to save your firm time and money.

How would I use a News feed?

Deploy Barchart’s News services to power your website, applications, and software with news feeds personalized to your investment focus. Our advanced ticker normalization reduces time to market and allows you to get your solution up and running fast.

What is a headline news feed?

Barchart aggregates titles and URLs from global sources and links to metadata like symbols and categories - making it easier for users to find the information they need. We don't change the URL, add tracking, or anything. A headline feed takes you directly to the source URL, we simply point you in the right direction.

What Barchart Services does your News Service work with?

Our News Services work natively with any of our data feeds and digital solutions. Barchart's ticker mapping and categorization allows you to easily link market data feeds to news, inject news into our Interactive Charts, power news alerts for your users, or compare news events to point-in-time historical market data.

Do you have full content for any feeds?

Yes! Take a look at our news feed catalog here to better understand what content is available in full text. Licensing for a specific use case will vary by source.

Do you have a free widget I can use?

Of course! You can embed news from Barchart into your website with this free web component. If you require sources other than Barchart, please reach out to to discuss your requirements.

Can you add sources to the feed?

Of course. We want to make sure all of our users are equipped with the data they need. If you need additional sources, just shoot us a note at

Do you offer trials?

Barchart offers 30-day trials for qualified users and companies. To explore our news services for yourself, reach out to us at to request a free trial.

Can I demo the service?

We’d love to show you the solution! Reach out to us at to schedule a demo. We’ll talk through your goals and you’ll be able to see exactly what our news services can do for you. We’re here to help!